Aihearkisto: Hydrologian jaosto

Program of National Modeling Seminar 20.11.2023, Kallahti, Helsinki

Seminar venue: Kulttuurikeskus ja kokoushotelli Sofia
Kallvikinniementie 35
00980 Helsinki

See full program with abstracts here (pdf)

09:00 – 09:15  Coffee and welcoming words

09:15 – 09:45  Invited Keynote talk

Cintia Uvo “Presenting the Digital Waters flagship – DIWA”

09:45 – 10:15  Invited Keynote talk

Samuli Junttila “Environmental thresholds for drought- and heat-related tree mortality”

10:15 – 10:30 Poster introductions

10:30 – 11:30  Session 1: Subsurface hydrology

Jari-Pekka Nousu: Modelling spatiotemporal soil moisture dynamics in a subarctic catchment

Pihla Bergholm: Restoring groundwater levels in an aquifer with the help of groundwater flow  modeling 

Anna Autio: On the functioning of control tile drainage systems in a mineral agricultural field – lessons learned from simulations and observation; a case study of Tyrnävä 

Mika Tähtikarhu: Hydrology from nano- to country-scale: a compilation of studies shows the role of the  scales and their links with green transition in agricultural systems 

11:30 – 13:15  Lunch and poster session

13:15 – 14:15 Session 2: Tree- to ecosystem fluxes

Dan Kou: Modeling carbon fluxes from diverse terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems in a boreal landscape (Kaamanen) of Northern Finland

Hui Tang: Implementing frost hardening and mortality through plant hydraulics in CLM5.0-FATES

Teemu Hölttä: Is boreal trees’ growth limited by carbon sink activities? — Implications of coupled  semi-mechanistic models of stomata behaviour and cambial growth  

Charlotte Angove: Synchronies between leaf water heavy isotope modelling and ecosystem-level  evapotranspiration 

14:15 – 14:35  Seminar questionnaire summary and discussion

Summary of participants’ opinions on models and green transition

14:35 – 14:50  Coffee break

14:50 – 15:35  Session 3: Urban water and carbon

Emil Nyman: Combining novel methods for comprehensive storm water management, planning and communication

Carla Maria Di Natale: Climate change adaptation using low impact development for stormwater management in a Nordic catchment

Minttu Havu: Modeling CO2 uptake of urban green in a warming Nordic city

15:35 – 16:20  Session 4: Freshwater

Erik van Rooijen: Modelling of river bank erosion in cold-climate regions 

Marta Fregona: A simple model for predicting ice timing and thickness in lakes  

Katri Rankinen: Quantification of the effect of environmental changes on the brownification of Lake  Kukkia in southern Finland 

16:20 – 16:30  Final words

17:30 – 20:00  Dinner at Ravintola Fregatti (at own cost, location:

Contact information:

Jari-Pekka Nousu tel. 029 532 2996,
Samuli Launiainen tel. 029 532 5323,

National Modeling Seminar 20.11.2023 in Kallahti, Helsinki

How hydrology and modeling support green transition in the changing environment?

In the Nordic, water has been the invisible resource. It gains wider interest when becoming a problem for land-use activities, infrastructure, recreation, or ecosystem resilience. The change towards more sustainable use of Earth’s resources and resilient societies in changing climate requires a renewed focus on water.

We welcome you to the 2023 edition of the National Modeling Seminar series organized in collaboration with the Hydrology division of Water association Finland, universities, and research institutes. The seminar will focus on two broad themes:

  1. How process-based environmental models, data-driven approaches and new data streams can improve systemic thinking in hydrology?
  2. How hydrology and environmental modeling should support green transition?

Join the discussion by presenting recent work and sharing your ideas. Let’s make hydrology greater than ever!

Time: Mon 20.11.2023, 09:00 – 16:30.

Venue:  Cultural Centre and Conference Hotel Sofia (, Kallvikinniementie 35, 00980 Helsinki.

The seminar is sponsored by Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke), including lunch. We will have an informal seminar dinner for participants (at own cost, time and location to be announced later).

Registration (DL 6.11.2023):

Abstract submission (DL 13.10.2013) extended DL 27.10.2023: Please prepare your Abstract using the template (max length 300 words) and submit it via the registration form, or by email to Jari-Pekka Nousu (jari-pekka.nousu(a) We welcome broad range of presentations, the only requirement is that there is a linkage either to i) hydrology, ii) environmental modeling or iii) their impacts in ecosystems or society. A poster session will be organized, and posters are accessible whole day during coffee breaks & lunch.

Contact: Jari-Pekka Nousu (jari-pekka.nousu(a) & Samuli Launiainen (samuli.launiainen(a)

Tuesdays of HydroTechnology Webinar 24.8.2021

Seuraava Tuesdays of HydroTechnology -webinaari järjestetään 24.8.2021 klo 10-11, jolloin ohjelmassa on:

Maria Kämäri, SYKE // First experiments of DGT-passive sampler use in water quality monitoring

Tuesdays of HydroTechnology -webinaarisarjan tavoitteena on tarjota lyhyitä tietoiskuja vesialan tutkimukseen ja teknologiaan liittyen sekä koota kiinnostuneita yhteen asiasta keskustelemaan.

Webinaarit koostuvat noin 20-30 minuutin esityksistä aiheisiin ja sen jälkeen on tilaa kysymyksille, kokemuksille ja keskustelulle.

Tuesdays of HydroTechnology -webinaarisarjan tarjoaa Hydro-RDI-Network -hanke yhteistyössä muiden alan hankkeiden ja Vesiyhdistys ry:n kanssa.

Lisätietoa ja ilmoittautumislinkit ensimmäisiin syksyn 2021 webinaareihin:

First call: The 31st Nordic Hydrological Conference NHC2020, 10-13 August 2020 at Tallinn

NHC2020_banner copy-1_0.jpg

Place: Tallinn University, Uus-Sadama 5, Tallinn, Estonia
Time: 10-13 August 2020

The first announcement

Welcome to the Nordic Hydrological Conference (NHC2020)!

The 31st Nordic Hydrological Conference will be held at Tallinn University, Tallinn, Estonia. The welcome reception, conference dinner and the walking tour will all take place in Tallinn. Tallinn University is located 500 metres from the UNESCO Heritage Site Tallinn Old Town and some hundred metres from the Baltic Sea as well as from one of the biggest urban recreational parks in Estonia – Kadriorg. 
The  main topic of NHC2020 is going to be “Hydrology and Water-related Ecosystems”. The conference will be an excellent opportunity for dissemination of scientific results and practical applications of hydrological research. Conference theme reflects the key challenges in contemporary hydrological knowledge, water management and corresponding decision-making in the world. Expected discussion topics will focus on relationships between water and ecosystem in different spatial and temporal scales; where are the ecological boundaries for preservation of water-related ecosystems and how are they reflected in the quantitative and qualitative indicators of water environment; and what are the benefits of those ecosystems? Also, discussions related to the development of operational policy at the regional and local level of land planning, planning of foreshore areas etc. are expected. See the main themes here. In Tallinn we will celebrate two special events – the 50th Year Anniversary of the Nordic Association for Hydrology and 100 Years of Hydrometeorological Service in Estonia. The usual three-day conference will be a day longer at this time, in order to accommodate special courses and workshops for early career researchers, but also a mini-conference for the local community, decision-makers and entrepreneurs. The first day of the conference is dedicated to the 100 years of Hydrometeorological Service in Estonia and will be held in Estonian language and it is open for all who are interested. 

On behalf of the organizers of the NHC2020

Institute of Ecology at Tallinn University
Additional information:
  Jaanus Terasmaa
Tiit Vaasma
Elve Lode
Jana Põldnurk



  • Time:  27.11.2019 9.00-17.00
  • Place: Kuopio, Technopolis, Microkatu 1, Piko -meeting room

Mathematical modelling has been proven to be established tools in tackling societal and industrial challenges and has seen significant advances, especially in terms of developing new methodologies, in the past decades. Impetuous to such developments was the need for providing innovative, cost-effective and sustainable solutions for natural and industrial problems, better management of natural resources and the environment, and long-term predictions and risk-based analysis in natural and engineered systems. Yet, the accurate applications of model-based tools in real-scale systems are severely complicated and their performance is hindered by many challenges including system complexity and heterogeneity, inadequate data and uncertainty, lack of process understanding, multi-scale coupling, and limitations in computational resources. Therefore, further research is essential to develop new tools and methodologies addressing these challenges.

National modelling seminar is a traditional annual symposium within the network of Finnish researchers, scientists, academics, PhD/MSc students, professionals, practitioners, and authorities particularly working with numerical models. The theme of this year’s seminar is “Modelling for societal and industrial challenges”, and particularly targets researchers, practitioners, and engineers willing to present their latest research and modelling results from different application areas and discuss the current state-of-the-art knowledge as well as future directions. We welcome abstracts from everyone working with numerical modelling focusing on different disciplines such as climate change, global processes, atmospheric, environmental and water resources, geoinformatics, forestry, mining and mineral processing, and other industrial applications.

We hope to see you in Kuopio!

  • Organizers: Geological survey of Finland, Water association Finland
  • Target group: Doctoral students, researchers and experts working with numerical modelling

Abstracts and registration:
• Abstracts should be submitted by 1st November (
• Registration by 15th November (max amount of participants 100)
• The event is held in English and is free of charge


Additional information:,

Link to: invitation letter FI/EN



Kaupungit ja maaseutu – hule- ja luonnonvesien hallinta

Kaupunkien ja maaseutujen rakennetut ympäristöt tarvitsevat tehokasta vesienhallintaa. Uudet ratkaisut ja laskennalliset menetelmät tarjoavat työkaluja ja mahdollisuuksia kestävien, kustannustehokkaiden ja luonnonmukaisten ratkaisujen löytämiseen luonnon- ja hulevesissä. Muuttuvat olosuhteet haastavat perinteisten vesienhallintamenetelmien toimivuuden ja uusia ratkaisuja tarvitaan niin kansallisesti kuin kansainvälisestikin. Erityisesti kaupunkiympäristössä uusien menetelmien soveltamista hidastavat monet asiat, kuten epätarkat lähtöaineistot, mittausaineistojen puute, vajavaiset käyttökokemukset, mallinnusstandardien puute hulevesisuunnittelussa ja epävarmuus tulevaisuuden ilmaston vaikutuksista.

Kansallinen mallinnusseminaari on perinteeksi muodostunut tapahtuma, joka kokoaa yhteen vesialan käytännön, hallinnon ja tutkimuksen asiantuntijoita keskustelemaan ajankohtaisista teemoista ja tulevaisuuden näkymistä ( Toivotamme kaikki ympäristön mallintamisen, seurannan, suunnittelun ja kunnostuksen parissa työskentelevät tervetulleeksi Viikkiin kuuntelemaan ja esittelemään teemaan liittyvää viimeisintä tutkimustietoa, käytännön kokemuksia, esimerkkejä ja kehitystarpeita!

Tänä vuonna tilaisuus järjestetään Suomen Ympäristökeskuksen uusissa tiloissa Viikissä. Tilaisuuden järjestämiseen osallistuvat Suomen Vesiyhdistyksen Hydrologian jaosto ja Hulevesijaosto

Urban and rural landscapes – management of stormwater runoff and natural waters

Urban and rural landscapes require efficient water management. Novel solutions and computational methods offer tools and opportunities for sustainable, cost efficient and nature-based solutions. However, changing conditions challenge function of traditional water protection methods and new solutions are urgently needed in both national and international scales. Especially, within urban landscapes, application of new methods is hindered by many challenges including inaccurate data sources, lack of measurements and common standards, together with uncertainty due to influences of climate change.

National modelling seminar is a traditional annual seminar, joining water researchers from the fields of practical water management, research and governance together to discuss from topical themes and future directions ( We welcome everyone working with environmental modelling, monitoring and restoration to participate to this seminar in Viikki!

Time: 11th December 2018 at 9.30–16.00

Location: Finnish Environment Institute, SYKE-LUKE conference center, A building, Seminar room A4.

Latokartanonkaari 9, 00790 Helsinki

Organizer: Finnish Environment Institute, Water Association Finland, Aalto University, University of Oulu

The event is free of charge and in English.



9:30-10:00                Morning coffee and registration

10:00-10:20               Forewords Hannu Marttila and Nora Sillanpää


Session I – Management of urban stormwaters

10:20-10:40               Key note – Laura Wendling – Reactive transport modelling to understand processes, potential risks and long-term performance

10:40-11:00               Ambika Khadka – Towards natural water balance in urban areas: Modelling stormwater management designs

11:00-11:20               Camilla Tuomela – Modelling of decentralized stormwater management scenarios for the treatment of urban runoff pollutant loads

11:20-11:40               Eero Assmuth – Impact of biochar on treatment performance of roadside sand filters – field monitoring and geochemical modelling

11:40-12:00               General discussion – New challenges and needs with urban stormwater management

12:00-13:00               Lunch (own cost)


Session II – Modelling tools in urban and rural landscapes

13:00-13:20               Tero Niemi – GisToSWMM5 – An Automated Approach for SWMM Model Generation in Urban Areas

13:20-13:40               Chapagain Yogesh – Simulating controlled drainage and subsurface irrigation in acid sulfate soil

13:40-14:00               Mikko Huokuna – The use of 2D surface flow model to produce pluvial flood maps

14:00-14:20               Coffee


14:20-14:40               Key note – Teemu Kokkonen – Spatial description of urban landscape in hydrological modelling

14:40-15:00               Ulla Sihvola and Anna Klobut, Hydraulic network modelling in alliance projects

15:00-15:20               Jari Koskiaho – SWAT nutrient calibration and validation with a 6-year data set of continuous data in Vantaanjoki catchment in southern Finland

15:20-                         General discussion – Future direction with modelling tools in research and practical planning



Further information: or and

Welcome to NHC2018 13-15 August 2018 in Bergen – call for abstracts

Welcome to NHC2018 13-15 August 2018 in Bergen – call for abstracts

On behalf of the Organising Committee, we invite you to attend the 30th Nordic Hydrological Conference to be held in Bergen, Norway. The main topic will be “Hydrology and water resources management in a changing world“.

Please, visit our web-site: for more information. Deadline for the abstract submission is 1st of March, and details on the abstract submission are given here:

The following sub-topics are identified for this conference:

  • Advanced methods and technology in hydrological modelling
  • Land atmosphere interactions in high latitude and cold regions
  • Surface water, groundwater and blue-green solutions in urban areas
  • Small catchment hydrology and flash floods
  • Water consumption and environmental impacts
  • The role of hydropower in climate change mitigation and adaptation
  • Climate services – bridge the gap from science to management

Kansallinen mallinnusseminaari – uudet mallit & parempia päätöksiä

100-vuotias Suomi tarvitsee tehokkuutta ja parempia päätöksiä nyt enemmän kuin koskaan. Uudet teknologiat, laskennallisten menetelmien kehittyminen sekä avoin data tarjoavat uusia työkaluja ja mahdollisuuksia ympäristön seurantaan ja päätöksenteon tueksi. Juhlavuoden kunniaksi seminaarin teemaksi on valikoitunut ”Mallit päätöksenteon tukena”. Toivotamme kaikki ympäristön mallintamisen, seurannan ja kunnostuksen parissa työskentelevät tervetulleeksi Ouluun lokakuussa 2017 kuuntelemaan ja esittelemään teemaan liittyvää viimeisintä tutkimustietoa!

Jo yli kymmenen vuoden ajan vuosittain järjestettävä kansallinen mallinnusseminaari ( on koonnut yhteen vesialan käytännön, hallinnon ja tutkimuksen asiantuntijoita keskustelemaan ajankohtaisista teemoista ja tulevaisuuden näkymistä. Vuonna 2017 Suomen Vesiyhdistyksen Hydrologian jaosto ( on mukana seminaarin järjestelyssä ja osanotosta odotetaan aiempia vuosia suurempaa. Antoisan seminaaripäivän päätteeksi luvassa on yhteisillallinen rennommissa merkeissä!


Aika: 31.10.2017 klo 9.00–16.00

Paikka: Tellus Innovation Areena, Oulun yliopisto

Järjestäjä: Hydrologian jaosto ja Vesi- ja ympäristötekniikan tutkimusryhmä, Oulun yliopisto

Kohderyhmä: Ilmakehä-, geoinformatiikka-, metsä-, ympäristö-ja vesitutkimuksissa matemaattisten mallien parissa työskentelevät tohtoriopiskelijat, tutkijat ja asiantuntijat


Abstraktit ja ilmoittautuminen:

Seminaarin tieteellinen komitea:
  • Prof. Leena Finér, Luonnonvarakeskus
  • Dos. Timo Huttula, Suomen ympäristökeskus
  • Prof. Bjørn Kløve, Oulun yliopisto
  • Prof. Harri Koivusalo, Aalto-yliopisto
  • TkT Jari Silander, Suomen ympäristökeskus





100-year old Finland needs efficiency and better decisions now more than ever. New technologies, development of computational methods and open data offer new tools and possibilities for environmental monitoring and to support decision making. The theme of the seminar this year is “Models for supporting decision making”. We welcome everyone working with environmental modelling, monitoring and restoration to participate to this seminar in Oulu! Joint dinner will be organized after seminar.

Time: 31 October 2017 at 9.00–16.00

Place: Tellus Innovation Arena, University of Oulu

Organizer: Hydrology division and Water Resources and Environmental Engineering Research Unit

Target group: Doctoral students, researchers and experts working with mathematical modelling in atmospheric, geoinformatics, forestry, environment and water related studies.


Abstracts and registration:

Scientific Committee:
  • Prof. Leena Finér, Natural Resources Institute Finland
  • Dos. Timo Huttula, Finnish Environment Institute
  • Prof. Bjørn Kløve, University of Oulu
  • Prof. Harri Koivusalo, Aalto University
  • TkT Jari Silander, Finnish Environment Institute

Further information: