Leaving no one behind – World Water Day Seminar 2019
Time: 22 March 2019 at 13.00
Place: Säätytalo, Snellmaninkatu 9-11, Helsinki
Water is a prerequisite for sustainable development, wellbeing and societal stability. The theme for World Water Day 2019 is ’Leaving no one behind’. It highlights the central principle of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and Sustainable Development Goal 6 (SDG 6): to ensure availability and sustainable management of water for all by 2030. To celebrate World Water Day, Water Association Finland organizes a seminar that discusses what Water for All means from the perspective of marginalized groups, and the role of Finland. The seminar is partly in Finnish.
at 13:00 OPENING
Chair: Riku Vahala, Water Association Finland
Diane D’Árras, President, International Water Association (video)
Johannes Lohaus, Secretary General, European Water Association
Kimmo Tiilikainen, Minister of Environment
Annika Saarikko, Minister of Family Affairs and Social Services (video)
Jaana Husu-Kallio, Permanent Secretary of Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry
Elina Kalkku, Under-Secretary of State at the Ministry for Foreign Affairs
Water for the displaced – local and global responses to refugee crises
Heta Kosonen, University of Washington
Programme continues in Finnish
Puheenjohtaja: Sari Huuhtanen, Käymäläseura Huussi ry
Oikeus veteen, pakolaisuus ja KHO
Kari Kuusiniemi, Presidentti, Suomen korkein hallinto-oikeus
Vesihuollon sosiaalinen haavoittuvuus Suomessa
Johanna Kallio, Suomen ympäristökeskus
Vesi ja vessat kuuluvat kaikille – case Nepal
Aura Liski, FCG International Oy
Voiko lihaa tuottamalla vähentää vedenkulutusta?
Mika Jalava, Aalto-yliopisto
Syyrian kriisin ja pakolaistilanteen ympäristövaikutukset – kuvakollaasi
Vanessa Riki, Veera Vehkasalo, Nina Jaatinen and Heli Pekkonen
Konfliktin keskellä
Päivi Hurttia, Punainen Risti
In the year 2019, Water Association Finland celebrates its 50th anniversary. Seminar participants are invited to celebrate the association. In addition, the winner of the Water Association Finland’s Annual Literary Award is announced.
Attendance fee: 100 € (Students 50 €) should be paid by 19 March to the account of Water Association Finland (FI95 8000 1601 3156 00). The members of Water Association Finland and the Global Dry Toilet Association of Finland are entitled to free attendance.
Water Association Finland organizes the World Water Day Seminar in cooperation with Aalto University, Global Dry Toilet Association of Finland, Finnish Environment Institute and Tampere University. The event is financially supported by Maa- ja vesitekniikan tuki ry.