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Program of National Modeling Seminar 20.11.2023, Kallahti, Helsinki

Seminar venue: Kulttuurikeskus ja kokoushotelli Sofia
Kallvikinniementie 35
00980 Helsinki

See full program with abstracts here (pdf)

09:00 – 09:15  Coffee and welcoming words

09:15 – 09:45  Invited Keynote talk

Cintia Uvo “Presenting the Digital Waters flagship – DIWA”

09:45 – 10:15  Invited Keynote talk

Samuli Junttila “Environmental thresholds for drought- and heat-related tree mortality”

10:15 – 10:30 Poster introductions

10:30 – 11:30  Session 1: Subsurface hydrology

Jari-Pekka Nousu: Modelling spatiotemporal soil moisture dynamics in a subarctic catchment

Pihla Bergholm: Restoring groundwater levels in an aquifer with the help of groundwater flow  modeling 

Anna Autio: On the functioning of control tile drainage systems in a mineral agricultural field – lessons learned from simulations and observation; a case study of Tyrnävä 

Mika Tähtikarhu: Hydrology from nano- to country-scale: a compilation of studies shows the role of the  scales and their links with green transition in agricultural systems 

11:30 – 13:15  Lunch and poster session

13:15 – 14:15 Session 2: Tree- to ecosystem fluxes

Dan Kou: Modeling carbon fluxes from diverse terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems in a boreal landscape (Kaamanen) of Northern Finland

Hui Tang: Implementing frost hardening and mortality through plant hydraulics in CLM5.0-FATES

Teemu Hölttä: Is boreal trees’ growth limited by carbon sink activities? — Implications of coupled  semi-mechanistic models of stomata behaviour and cambial growth  

Charlotte Angove: Synchronies between leaf water heavy isotope modelling and ecosystem-level  evapotranspiration 

14:15 – 14:35  Seminar questionnaire summary and discussion

Summary of participants’ opinions on models and green transition

14:35 – 14:50  Coffee break

14:50 – 15:35  Session 3: Urban water and carbon

Emil Nyman: Combining novel methods for comprehensive storm water management, planning and communication

Carla Maria Di Natale: Climate change adaptation using low impact development for stormwater management in a Nordic catchment

Minttu Havu: Modeling CO2 uptake of urban green in a warming Nordic city

15:35 – 16:20  Session 4: Freshwater

Erik van Rooijen: Modelling of river bank erosion in cold-climate regions 

Marta Fregona: A simple model for predicting ice timing and thickness in lakes  

Katri Rankinen: Quantification of the effect of environmental changes on the brownification of Lake  Kukkia in southern Finland 

16:20 – 16:30  Final words

17:30 – 20:00  Dinner at Ravintola Fregatti (at own cost, location:

Contact information:

Jari-Pekka Nousu tel. 029 532 2996,
Samuli Launiainen tel. 029 532 5323,

National Modeling Seminar 20.11.2023 in Kallahti, Helsinki

How hydrology and modeling support green transition in the changing environment?

In the Nordic, water has been the invisible resource. It gains wider interest when becoming a problem for land-use activities, infrastructure, recreation, or ecosystem resilience. The change towards more sustainable use of Earth’s resources and resilient societies in changing climate requires a renewed focus on water.

We welcome you to the 2023 edition of the National Modeling Seminar series organized in collaboration with the Hydrology division of Water association Finland, universities, and research institutes. The seminar will focus on two broad themes:

  1. How process-based environmental models, data-driven approaches and new data streams can improve systemic thinking in hydrology?
  2. How hydrology and environmental modeling should support green transition?

Join the discussion by presenting recent work and sharing your ideas. Let’s make hydrology greater than ever!

Time: Mon 20.11.2023, 09:00 – 16:30.

Venue:  Cultural Centre and Conference Hotel Sofia (, Kallvikinniementie 35, 00980 Helsinki.

The seminar is sponsored by Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke), including lunch. We will have an informal seminar dinner for participants (at own cost, time and location to be announced later).

Registration (DL 6.11.2023):

Abstract submission (DL 13.10.2013) extended DL 27.10.2023: Please prepare your Abstract using the template (max length 300 words) and submit it via the registration form, or by email to Jari-Pekka Nousu (jari-pekka.nousu(a) We welcome broad range of presentations, the only requirement is that there is a linkage either to i) hydrology, ii) environmental modeling or iii) their impacts in ecosystems or society. A poster session will be organized, and posters are accessible whole day during coffee breaks & lunch.

Contact: Jari-Pekka Nousu (jari-pekka.nousu(a) & Samuli Launiainen (samuli.launiainen(a)